(209) 869-4111
July 25, 2024 Availability and Order Form
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 Code Ks Size     Botanical Name     Common Name Comment
            A: ...
ABEGL M 01  Abelia grand. 'Radiance' Glossy Abelia  
ABEGL M 05  Abelia grand. 'Radiance' Glossy Abelia  
ABEGS M 05  Abelia grand. 'Sunrise' Cream Variegated Abelia  
ACRBA M 15  Acer rubrum 'Brandywine' Red Maple  
ACRRS M 05  Acer rubrum 'Red Sunset' Red Maple  
ACRRS M 15  Acer rubrum 'Red Sunset' Red Maple  
ACSWH L 01  Achillea 'New Vintage White' Yarrow (white) Bud&Bloom
ACUGO H QTX  Acorus gram. 'Ogon' Golden Sweet Flag  
AGAAB M 01  Agapanthus africanus 'Blue' Lily-of-the-Nile (blue)  
AGAMO M 01  Agapanthus 'Mood Indigo' Lily-of-the-Nile (purple FullBloom
AGAOD M 01  Agapanthus prae. 'Purple Delight  
AGAPA L 01  Agave parryi Parry's Agave  
AGAPA L 02  Agave parryi Parry's Agave  
AGARA M 01  Agapanthus 'Rancho White' Lily-of-the-Nile (white)  
AGATI M 01  Agapanthus 'Tinkerbell' Lily-of-the-Nile (dwarf)  
AJUCC M QTX  Ajuga r. 'Chocolate Chip' Carpet Bugle  
AJUMA M QTX  Ajuga r. 'Mahogany' Carpet Bugle  
AJUMC M QTX  Ajuga r. 'Mint Chip' Carpet Bugle  
ALPSA H 01  Alpinia sanderae Variegated Ginger  
ARCEC M 05  Arctostaphylos 'Emerald Carpet' Trailing Manzanita  
ARCPM 05  Arctostaphylos 'Pacific Mist' Pacific Mist Manzanita  
ARMAL M 01  Armeria alliacea Thrift, Sea Pink (pink)  
ARMMA M QTX  Armeria maritima Thrift, Sea Pink (pink)  
ARMMB M QTX  Armeria maritima 'Alba' Thrift, Sea Pink (white)  
ARMRB M QTX  Armeria maritima 'Rubrifolia' Thrift, Sea Pink  
ASAMY M 01  Asparagus dens.'Meyeri' Foxtail Fern  
ASAMY M 05  Asparagus dens.'Meyeri' Foxtail Fern  
ASAMY M QTX  Asparagus dens.'Meyeri' Foxtail Fern  
ASTKC M QTX  Aster x 'Kickin Carmine Red' Aster (compact) Buds
ASTKL M 01  Aster x 'Kickin Lavender' Aster (compact) Buds
ASTKL M QTX  Aster x 'Kickin Lavender' Aster (compact)  
ASTKP M 01  Aster x 'Kickin Purple' Aster (compact)  
AUCJA M 01  Aucuba japonica Gold Dust Plant  
AUCJA M 05  Aucuba japonica Gold Dust Plant  
            B: ...                                                                       [home]
BERBO M 01  Berberis thunb. 'Aurea' Barberry (Golden)  
BERRP M 01  Berberis thunb. 'Crimson Pygmy' Jap. Barberry (dwarf)  
BERRP M 05  Berberis thunb. 'Crimson Pygmy' Jap. Barberry (dwarf)  
BERRR M 01  Berberis thunb. 'Red Rocket' Upright Jap. Barberry  
BERRR M 05  Berberis thunb. 'Red Rocket' Upright Jap. Barberry  
BERRS M 05  Berberis thunb. 'Rose Glow' Japanese Barberry  
BESCO M 01  Bergenia cordifolia 'Red Beauty' Heartleaf Bergenia  
BUDBK M 01  Buddleia dav. 'Black Knight' Butterfly Bush (dk purp) Buds
BUDBK M 05  Buddleia dav. 'Black Knight' Butterfly Bush (dk purp) Bud&Bloom
BUDHA M 01  Buddleia dav. 'Harlequin' Butterfly Bush (varigtd) Buds
BUDHA M 05  Buddleia dav. 'Harlequin' Butterfly Bush (varigtd) Buds
BUDLO M 01  Buddleia dav. 'Lochinch' Butterfly Bush (lilac) Buds
BUDLO M 05  Buddleia dav. 'Lochinch' Butterfly Bush (lilac) Bud&Bloom
BUDNP M 01  Buddleia dav. 'Nanho Purple' Butterfly Bush (dwarf) Bud&Bloom
BUDNP M 05  Buddleia dav. 'Nanho Purple' Butterfly Bush (dwarf) Buds
BUDRR M 01  Buddleia dav. 'Royal Red' Butterfly Bush(purp-red) Bud&Bloom
BXGRB M 05  Buxus mic. jap. 'Green Beauty' Jap. Boxwood (drk green)  
BXHAR M 01  Buxus harlandii Korean Boxwood FEW
BXHAR M 05  Buxus harlandii Korean Boxwood  
BXSSU M 01  Buxus semp. 'Suffruticosa' Dwarf English Boxwood  
BXSSU M 05  Buxus semp. 'Suffruticosa' Dwarf English Boxwood  
            C: ...                                                                       [home]
CALCI L 01  Callistemon citrinus Lemon Bottlebrush  
CALCI L 05  Callistemon citrinus Lemon Bottlebrush  
CALHS L 05  Calamagrostis x acut. 'Hello Spring!' Feather Reed Grass(vgtd) Plumes
CALKF L 05  Calamagrostis acut. 'Karl Foerster' Feather Reed Grass  
CALLJ L 01  Callistemon 'Little John' Dwarf Bottlebrush  
CALLO L 01  Callistemon violaceae Lavender Bottlebrush  
CALLO L 05  Callistemon violaceae Lavender Bottlebrush  
CALLS M 05  Callistemon viminalis 'Slim' Upright Bottlebrush  
CALLT L 05  Callistemon violaceae Std Lavender Bottlebrush  
CALNP L 01  Calamintha nepeta ssp. nepeta Lesser Calamint Bud&Bloom
CALNP L QTX  Calamintha nepeta ssp. nepeta Lesser Calamint Bud&Bloom
CALOD M 01  Calocedrus decurrens Incense Cedar  
CALOD M 05  Calocedrus decurrens Incense Cedar  
CAMPE H QTX  Campanula elat. garganica Adriatic Bellflower  
CAREE M 01  Carex oshimensis 'Everest' Japanese Sedge FEW
CAREE M QTX  Carex oshimensis 'Everest' Japanese Sedge  
CAREL M QTX  Carex oshimensis 'Everillo' Japanese Sedge  
CARES L QTX  Carex speciosa 'Velebit Humilis' Velebit Sedge Grass  
CARET M QTX  Carex testaceae 'Prairie Fire' Red Sedge  
CARYC M 01  Caryopteris clan. 'Dark Knight' Bluebeard Buds
CERAO M 01  Cerastium tomentosum Snow-in-Summer FEW
CERAU M 01  Ceratostigma plumbaginoides Dwarf Plumbago  
CERCO M 15  Cercis canadensis 'Oklahoma' Oklahoma Redbud  
CHABR L 05  Chaenomeles hyb. 'Blood Red' Flowering Quince (red)  
CHATN L 05  Chaenomeles hyb. 'Toyo Nishiki' Flowering Quince (pink)  
CHATS L 01  Chaenomeles hyb. 'Texas Scarlet' Flowering Quince (red)  
CHOTE L 05  Chondropetalum tectorum Cape Rush FEW
CISHY L 05  Cistus hybridus White Rockrose  
CISLM L 01  Cistus x 'Little Miss Sunshine' Rockrose (variegated)  
CISLM L 05  Cistus x 'Little Miss Sunshine' Rockrose (variegated)  
CISPU L 01  Cistus purpureus Orchid Rockrose  
CISPU L 05  Cistus purpureus Orchid Rockrose  
CISSA L 01  Cistus salvifolius Sageleaf Rockrose  
CISSA L 05  Cistus salvifolius Sageleaf Rockrose  
CISSK L 01  Cistus skanbergii Pink Rockrose (dwarf)  
CISSK L 05  Cistus skanbergii Pink Rockrose (dwarf)  
CLYCA M 01  Clytostoma callistegioides Violet Trumpet Vine  
CLYCA M 05  Clytostoma callistegioides Violet Trumpet Vine  
COLSG M 01  Coleonema pulchrum 'Sunset Gold' Breath of Heaven (pink)  
CONOM L 01  Convolvulus mauritanicus Ground Morning Glory  
COREA L QTX  Coreopsis auriculata 'Nana' Tickseed (golden yellow)  
COTGR L 05  Cotinus x 'Grace' Smoke Tree  
CQLOW L 01  Cotoneaster dam. 'Lowfast' Bearberry Cotoneaster  
CQLST L 01  Cotoneaster dam. 'Streib's Findling' Bearberry Cotoneaster  
CUPHA M 01  Cuphea hyssopifolia 'Alba' False Heather (white) Bud&Bloom
CUPHA M QTX  Cuphea hyssopifolia 'Alba' False Heather (white) Bud&Bloom
CUPHH M 01  Cuphea hyssopifolia 'Lavender Lace' False Heather  
CUPHH M QTX  Cuphea hyssopifolia 'Lavender Lace' False Heather Bud&Bloom
CUSMW M 01  Cupressus macro. 'Goldcrest' Lemon Cypress  
CUSSR M 05  Cupressus semp. 'Stricta' Italian Cypress  
CUSTT M 01  Cupressus semp. 'Dwarf' Italian Cypress (dwarf)  
CYCRE M 20  Cycas revoluta Sago Palm  
            D: ...                                                                       [home]
DELCW L QTX  Delosperma cong. 'White Nugget' Ice Plant (white)  
DELDR L QTX  Delosperma dyeri 'Red Mountain' Ice Plant (red)  
DELOS L 01  Delosperma nubigena Ice Plant (yellow)  
DIAKP M 01  Dianthus 'Kahori Pink' Dianthus (dwarf) Bud&Bloom
DIAKP M QTX  Dianthus 'Kahori Pink' Dianthus (dwarf) Bud&Bloom
DIAKS M 01  Dianthus 'Kahori Scarlet' Dianthus (dwarf) Bud&Bloom
DIAKS M QTX  Dianthus 'Kahori Scarlet' Sweet William Bud&Bloom
DIANP M 01  Dianthus 'Passion' PP20440 Carnation (red)  
DIANP M QTX  Dianthus 'Passion' Carnation (red)  
DIANR M QTX  Dianthus 'Raspberry Surprise' Carnation (pink) Bud&Bloom
DIANT M 01  Dianthus x 'Ideal Mix' Sweet William Buds
DIANT M QTX  Dianthus x 'Ideal Mix' Sweet William Bud&Bloom
DIARB L 01  Dianella rev. 'Baby Bliss Flax Lily (dwarf)  
DIEBI L 05  Dietes bicolor Fortnight Lily  
DIEVE L 01  Dietes vegeta (Morea) Fortnight Lily  
DIEVE L 05  Dietes vegeta (Morea) Fortnight Lily Buds
DYMMA L QTX  Dymondia margaretae Silver Carpet  
            E: ...                                                                       [home]
ECHBC QTX  Echeveria 'Blue Curls' Hen and Chicks  
ECHBP QTX  Echeveria 'Black Prince' Hen and Chicks  
ECHDJ QTX  Echeveria 'Desert Jewel' Hen and Chicks  
ECHPW M 01  Echinacea purp. 'Pow Wow White' Coneflower (white) Bud&Bloom
ELAGE L 05  Elaeagnus ebbingei 'Gilt Edge' Silverberry  
ERIGK L 01  Erigeron karvinskianus Santa Barbara Daisy Bud&Bloom
EROCA L QTX  Erodium cham. 'Album' Storksbill (white) Bud&Bloom
EROCR L QTX  Erodium cham. 'Bishop's Form' Storksbill (pink) Bud&Bloom
ERYLO L QTX  Erysimum 'Gold Glow' Wallflower (dwarf)  
ESCCO M 01  Escallonia 'Compacta' Escallonia (dwarf)  
ESCCO M 05  Escallonia 'Compacta' Escallonia (dwarf)  
ESCEF M 01  Escallonia exon. 'Fradesii' Escallonia (pink)  
ESCEF M 05  Escallonia exon. 'Fradesii' Escallonia (pink) Bud&Bloom
EUOGA M 01  Euonymus for. 'Emerald Gaiety' Wintercreeper Euonymus  
EUOGA M 05  Euonymus for. 'Emerald Gaiety' Wintercreeper Euonymus  
EUOGL M 01  Euonymus for. 'Emerald & Gold' Wintercreeper Euonymus  
EUOGO L 05  Euonymus jap. 'Golden' Golden Euonymus  
EUOJQ L 05  Euonymus jap. 'Silver Queen' Evergreen Euonymus FEW
EUOJS L 05S  Euonymus jap. 'Silver Queen' Std Evergreen Euonymus  
EUOMG L 01  Euonymus jap. 'Green Spire' Columnar Boxleaf Euonym.  
EUOMG L 05  Euonymus jap. 'Green Spire' Columnar Boxleaf Euonym.  
EUOMI L 01  Euonymus jap. 'Microphyllus' Boxleaf Euonymus  
EUOMI L 05  Euonymus jap. 'Microphyllus' Boxleaf Euonymus FEW
EURPV M 01  Euryops pect. 'Viridis' Golden Shrub Daisy  
            F: ...                                                                       [home]
FEISO L 01  Feijoa sellowiana Pineapple Guava  
FEISO L 05  Feijoa sellowiana Pineapple Guava  
FEISO L 15  Feijoa sellowiana Pineapple Guava  
FEISS L 05  Feijoa sellowiana Std Pineapple Guava (patio)  
FICPU M 01  Ficus pumila (repens) Creeping Fig  
FICPU M 05  Ficus pumila (repens) Creeping Fig  
FORIL L 01  Forsythia int. 'Lynwood Gold' Forsythia  
FRAGL M 01  Fragaria chiloensis 'Lipstick' Ornamental Strawberry FEW
            G: ...                                                                       [home]
GALOD M QTX  Galium odoratum Sweet Woodruff  
GARFP M 01  Gardenia jas. 'Frostproof' Gardenia FEW
GARFP M 05  Gardenia jas. 'Frostproof' Gardenia  
GARRA M 01  Gardenia jas. 'Radicans' Gardenia (dwarf)  
GARRA M 05  Gardenia jas. 'Radicans' Gardenia (dwarf)  
GARVE M 01  Gardenia jas. 'Veitchii' Everblooming Gardenia Buds
GARVE M 05  Gardenia jas. 'Veitchii' Everblooming Gardenia  
GAULC M 01  Gaura lind. 'Dwarf Pink' Gaura (dwarf, pink) Buds
GINBA M 05  Ginkgo biloba 'Autumn Gold' Maidenhair Tree (male)  
GINBS M 15  Ginkgo biloba 'Princeton Sentry' Maidenhair Tree (male) FEW
GRVCG L 05  Grevillea lang. 'Coastal Gem' Woolly Grevillea  
GRVLA L 05  Grevillea lang. 'Mt. Tamboritha' Woolly Grevillea  
GRVNO L 05  Grevillea 'Noellii' Noel's Grevillea  
GRVPI L 01  Grevillea 'Canberra' (Pink Pearl) Grevillea  
            H: ...                                                                       [home]
HEDEV M QTX  Hedera h. 'Eva' Variegated English Ivy  
HEDGC M QTX  Hedera h. 'Gold Child' Variegated English Ivy  
HEDGR M 01  Hedera h. 'Green Ripple' staked Green Ripple English Ivy  
HEDGR M QTX  Hedera h. 'Green Ripple' Green Ripply English Ivy  
HEDHH M QTX  Hedera h. 'Hahn's' Hahn's English Ivy  
HEDNE M QTX  Hedera h. 'Needlepoint' Needlepoint English Ivy  
HEMDA M 01  Hemerocallis 'Datebook' Daylily (pink,evergreen)  
HEMED M 01  Hemerocallis 'El Desperado' Daylily yellow/purp. eye  
HEMGE M 01  Hemerocallis 'George Bingham' Daylily (peach,evergrn)  
HEMOC M 01  Hemerocallis 'Orchid Candy' Daylily (lavender)  
HEMOD M 01  Hemerocallis 'Orange Delight' Daylily (bright orange)  
HEMRU M 01  Hemerocallis 'Russian Rhapsody' Daylily (maroon,evergrn)  
HEMSI M 01  Hemerocallis 'Sideshow' Daylily (bright yellow)  
HEMST M 01  Hemerocallis 'Stella de Oro' Daylily (compact,yellow)  
HEMST M QTX  Hemerocallis 'Stella de Oro' Daylily (compact,yellow)  
HEUBB M QTX  Heuchera Carnival 'Burgundy Blast' Coral Bells  
HEUBO M QTX  Heuchera Carnival 'Black Olive' Coral Bells  
HEUCF M QTX  Heuchera splendens 'Firefly' Coral Bells (Red)  
HEUPP M 02  Heuchera micrantha 'Palace Purple' Coral Bells  
HYPIR M 05  Hypericum x 'Ignite Red' TM St. John's Wort  
            I: ...                                                                       [home]
ILCRS M 01  Ilex crenata 'Sky Pencil' Japanese Holly  
ILCRS M 02  Ilex crenata 'Sky Pencil Japanese Holly  
ILCRS M 05  Ilex crenata 'Sky Pencil' Japanese Holly  
ILVOM M 01  Ilex vomitaria 'Stokes' Yaupon Holly (dwarf)  
ILVOM M 05  Ilex vomitaria 'Stokes' Yaupon Holly (dwarf)  
            J: ...                                                                       [home]
JASMA M 05  Jasminum angulare South African Jasmine  
JUCOG L 01  Juniperus chin. 'Old Gold' Old Gold Juniper  
JUCOG L 05  Juniperus chin. 'Old Gold' Old Gold Juniper  
JUHBH L 01  Juniperus horiz. 'Bar Harbor' Bar Harbor Juniper  
JUSCW L 05  Juniperus scop. 'Wichita Blue' Rocky Mountain Juniper  
            L: ...                                                                       [home]
LAGCA L 05  Lager. ind. 'Catawba' multi Crape Myrtle (dk.purple)  
LAGCA L 15  Lager. ind. 'Catawba' multi Crape Myrtle (dk.purple) FullBloom
LAGNA L 15  Lager. fauriei 'Natchez' multi Crape Myrtle (white)  
LAGPR L 15  Lager. ind. 'Dwarf Red' multi Crape Myrtle (dwf red) Buds
LAGTC L 15  Lager. fauriei 'Tuscarora' multi Crape Myrtle (coral pnk) FullBloom
LAMPW QTX  Lampranthus 'White' Iceplant  
LANBM L 02  Lantana X 'Bloomify Mango' PP31965 Lantana (dwarf)  
LANBM L QTX  Lantana X 'Bloomify Mango' PP31965 Lantana (Dwarf) Bud&Bloom
LANBP L 02  Lantana x 'Bloomify Rose' PP29267 Lantana (dwarf)  
LANBP L QTX  Lantana X 'Bloomify Rose' PP29267 Lantana (Dwarf) Bud&Bloom
LANBR L 02  Lantana X 'Bloomify Red' PP29292 Lantana (dwarf)  
LANBR L QTX  Lantana X 'Bloomify Red' PP29292 Lantana (Dwarf) Bud&Bloom
LANDR L 01  Lantana x 'Dallas Red' Lantana (red) Bud&Bloom
LANMO L 01  Lantana montevidensis Lantana (rosy lilac) Bud&Bloom
LAUNO L 01  Laurus nobilis Sweet Bay  
LAVAA L 01  Lavandula inter. 'Alba' English Lavender (white)  
LAVAM L QTX  Lavandula angust. 'Munstead' Dwarf English Lavender  
LAVIG L 01  Lavandula inter. 'Grosso' Lavendin  
LAVST L 01  Lavandula sto. 'Anouk' Spanish Lavender  
LEUFC L 05  Leucophyllum frut. 'Compacta' Texas Ranger Buds
LIGTE L 05  Ligustrum jap. 'Texanum' Texas Privet  
LIGTE L 15  Ligustrum jap. 'Texanum' Texas Privet  
LIRGI M 01  Liriope gigantea Lilyturf  
LIRSD M 01  Liriope spicata 'Silver Dragon' Creeping Lilyturf  
LIRSS M QTX  Liriope muscari 'Silvery Sunproof' Lilyturf (variegated)  
LOMCL L 02  Lomandra confer. 'Lime Tight'  
LONJP M 05  Lonicera jap. 'Purpurea' Japanese Honeysuckle Bud&Bloom
LONSE M 01  Lonicera semp. 'Major Wheeler' Trumpet Honeysuckle  
LORCH M 01  Loropetalum chinensis Chinese Fringe (white)  
LOREV M 05  Loropetalum chin. 'Chang-Nian-Hong' Dwarf Red Fringe  
LORMP M 01  Loropetalum chin. 'Maj. Purple' Purple Fringe Flower  
LORMP M 05  Loropetalum chin. 'Maj. Purple' Purple Fringe Flower  
LORRA M 01  Loropetalum chin. 'Blush' Chinese Fringe Flower  
LORRA M 05  Loropetalum chin. 'Blush' Chinese Fringe Flower  
LORRA M 05C  Loropetalum chin. 'Blush' Column Chinese Fringe Flower  
LORRS M 05  Loropetalum chin. 'Blush' Std Chinese Fringe (patio)  
LORRU M 05  Loropetalum chin. 'Rubrum' Purple Fringe Flower  
LORRU M 05S  Loropetalum chin. 'Rubrum' Std Purple Fringe (patio)  
LYSNM H QTX  Lysimachia nummularia Creeping Jenny (green)  
            M: ...                                                                       [home]
MAHRE L 05  Mahonia repens Creeping Oregon Grape  
MISAD M 01  Miscanthus sin. 'Adagio' Dwarf Maiden Grass  
MISAD M 05  Miscanthus sin. 'Adagio' Dwarf Maiden Grass  
MISML M 01  Miscanthus sin. 'Morning Light' Silver Maiden Grass  
MORAL M 05  Morus alba 'Stribling' Fruitless Mulberry  
MYOPI L 01  Myoporum parvifolium 'Pink' Groundcover Myoporum  
MYTCP L 01  Myrtus communis 'Compacta' Dwarf Myrtle  
MYTCV L 05  Myrtus communis 'Variegata' Variegated Myrtle  
            N: ...                                                                       [home]
NADOM L 05  Nandina domestica Heavenly Bamboo  
NANFI M 01  Nandina domestica 'Firepower' Heavenly Bamboo (dwarf)  
NANFI M 05  Nandina domestica 'Firepower' Heavenly Bamboo (dwarf)  
NEORE L 15  Nerium oleander 'Red' Oleander (red) Bud&Bloom
NEOSA L 15  Nerium oleander 'Sister Agnes' Oleander (white) Bud&Bloom
            O: ...                                                                       [home]
OLLIT L 05  Olea eur. 'Dwarf Fruitless' Olive (dwarf, fruitless)  
OLLIT L 15S  Olea eur. 'Dwarf Fruitless' Std Olive (dwarf, fruitless)  
OPHJN M 01  Ophiopogon jap. 'Nana' Dwarf Mondo Grass  
OPHJN M QTX  Ophiopogon jap. 'Nana' Dwarf Mondo Grass  
OSMFR M 01  Osmanthus fragrans Sweet Olive  
OSMFR M 05  Osmanthus fragrans Sweet Olive  
OXATR M QTX  Oxalis triangularis Purple Shamrock  
            P: ...                                                                       [home]
PACTE M QTX  Pachysandra terminalis Japanese Spurge  
PANJU M 01  Pandorea jasm. 'Variegata' Bower Vine (variegated)  
PANJU M 05  Pandorea jasm. 'Variegata' Bower Vine (variegated) Bud&Bloom
PEIAL L 01  Pennisetum alo. 'Little Bunny' Fountain Grass (dwarf)  
PEIOR L 01  Pennisetum orientale Oriental Fountain Grass Plumes
PEIOR L 05  Pennisetum orientale Oriental Fountain Grass Plumes
PENGA M 01  Penstemon 'Garnet' Beardtongue (red)  
PENMI M 01  Penstemon 'Midnight' Beardtongue (dk purple) Buds
PERAT L 01  Perovskia atriplicifolia Russian Sage Bud&Bloom
PERAT L 05  Perovskia atriplicifolia Russian Sage Bud&Bloom
PHLHP 01  Phlox x 'Woodlander Pink' Woodland Phlox  
PHLHR M 01  Phlox x 'Woodlander Rose' Woodland Phlox  
PHLHR M QTX  Phlox x 'Woodlander Rose' Woodland Phlox  
PHLSB M QTX  Phlox subulata 'Blue' Creeping Phlox (blue)  
PHLSE M 01  Phlox subulata 'Pink' Creeping Phlox (pink) FEW
PHLSE M QTX  Phlox subulata 'Pink' Creeping Phlox (pink)  
PHNFA M 05  Photinia fraseri Fraser Photinia  
PHNFA M 15  Photinia fraseri Fraser Photinia  
PINTH M 01  Pinus thunbergii Japanese Black Pine  
PINTH M 05  Pinus thunbergii Japanese Black Pine  
PISCH L 05  Pistacia chinensis Chinese Pistache  
PISCH L 15  Pistacia chinensis Chinese Pistache  
PISCK L 05  Pistacia chinensis 'Keith Davey' Chinese Pistache (male)  
PISCK L 15  Pistacia chinensis 'Keith Davey' Chinese Pistache (male)  
PITCM M 01  Pittosporum tobira 'Cream de Mint' TM Mock Orange (dwf,vargtd)  
PITCM M 05  Pittosporum tobira 'Cream de Mint' TM Mock Orange (dwf,vargtd)  
PITTV M 05  Pittosporum tobira 'Variegata' Mock Orange (variegated)  
PITWD M 01  Pittosporum tob. 'Wheeler's Dwarf' Mock Orange (dwarf)  
PITWD M 05  Pittosporum tob. 'Wheeler's Dwarf' Mock Orange (dwarf)  
PLURC M 01  Plumbago capensis 'Royal Blue' Cape Plumbago Buds
PLURC M 05  Plumbago capensis 'Royal Blue' Cape Plumbago  
PODGR M 01  Podocarpus gracilior Fern Pine  
PODHE H 01  Podocarpus henkelii Long-leafed Yellowwood  
PODHE H 05  Podocarpus henkelii Long-leafed Yellowwood  
PODMM M 01  Podocarpus macrophyllus 'Maki' Shrubby Yew Pine  
POTVE M QTX  Potentilla verna Spring Cinquefoil  
PRNPP M 05  Prunus cera. 'Purple Pony' Flowering Cherry Plum  
PRNPP M 15  Prunus cera. 'Purple Pony' Flowering Cherry Plum FEW
PUNNA L 01  Punica granatum 'Nana' Dwarf Pomegranate Bud&Bloom
PYAFG L 01  Pyracantha fort. 'Graberi' stk Firethorn  
PYAFG L 05  Pyracantha fort. 'Graberi' stk Firethorn  
PYASC L 01  Pyracantha koidzumii 'Santa Cruz' Firethorn  
PYASC L 05  Pyracantha koidzumii 'Santa Cruz' Firethorn  
PYRCB M 05  Pyrus calleryana 'Bradford' Ornamental Pear  
PYRCB M 15  Pyrus calleryana 'Bradford' Ornamental Pear  
            R: ...                                                                       [home]
RHIBY M 01  Rhaphiolepis ind. 'Bay Breeze' PP8635 Indian Hawthorn  
RHIBY M 05  Rhaphiolepis ind. 'Bay Breeze' PP#8635 Indian Hawthorn  
RHICL M 05  Rhaphiolepis ind. 'Clara' Indian Hawthorn  
RHUBM L 05  Rhaphiolepis umbellata 'Minor' Yedda Hawthorn (dwarf)  
ROUOB L 05  Rosmarinus off. 'Barbecue' Upright Rosemary  
ROUOP L 01  Rosmarinus off. 'Prostratus' Creeping Rosemary  
ROUOP L 05  Rosmarinus off. 'Prostratus' Creeping Rosemary  
ROUOR L 05  Rosmarinus off. 'Roman Beauty' Dwarf Rosemary  
            S: ...                                                                       [home]
SAASM M 01  Salvia superba 'May Night' Meadow Sage (purple)  
SALMH L 01  Salvia microphylla 'Hot Lips' Sage (red w/white lip)  
SALMH L 05  Salvia microphylla 'Hot Lips' Sage (red w/white lip) Bud&Bloom
SALNS M 01  Salvia nemorosa 'Snowhill' Woodland Sage (white) Bud&Bloom
SALPP M QTX  Salvia prat. 'Midnight Purple' Meadow Sage Bud&Bloom
SALPR M QTX  Salvia prat. 'Midnight Rose' Meadow Sage  
SARRU M 05  Sarcococca ruscifolia Sweet Box  
SEDLM L QTX  Sedum x 'Lemon Ball' Stonecrop  
SEDRA L QTX  Sedum rupestre 'Angelina' Stonecrop (yellow)  
SEDRB L QTX  Sedum reflexum 'Blue Spruce' Stonecrop (blue)  
SEDRU QTX  Sedum rubrotinctum Jelly Bean Plant  
SEDSP L 01  Sedum spectabile 'Autumn Joy' Stonecrop Buds
SEDSP L QTX  Sedum spectabile 'Autumn Joy' Stonecrop  
SEDSR L 01  Sedum spurium 'Dragon's Blood' Stonecrop  
SEDVJ L 01  Sedum x 'Vera Jameson' Stonecrop FEW
SEMGR L QTX  Sempervivum 'Greenii' Hen and Chicks  
SEMKR L QTX  Sempervivum 'Krebs 2' Hen and Chicks  
SENSE L QTX  Senecio mandraliscae Blue Chalksticks  
SEQAB H 05  Sequoia semp. 'Aptos Blue' Redwood, Coast Redwood  
SEQAB H 15  Sequoia semp. 'Aptos Blue' Redwood, Coast Redwood  
SOLIL M 01  Solidago x 'Little Lemon' PP17297 Goldenrod (dwarf) Bud&Bloom
SOLIL M 02  Solidago x 'Little Lemon' PP17297 Goldenrod (dwarf) Bud&Bloom
SOLIL M QTX  Solidago x 'Little Lemon' Goldenrod (dwarf)  
SPIBA M 01  Spiraea bumalda 'Anthony Waterer' Spirea (dwarf, red)  
SPIBA M 05  Spiraea bumalda 'Anthony Waterer' Spirea (dwarf, red)  
SPIJM M 05  Spiraea japonica 'Magic Carpet' Japanese Spirea (comp.) Bud&Bloom
SPIVA M 01  Spiraea vanhouttei Bridal Wreath  
SPIVA M 05  Spiraea vanhouttei Bridal Wreath  
STRRE M 01  Strelitzia reginae Bird of Paradise  
            T: ...                                                                       [home]
TEUCC L QTX  Teucrium chamaedrys 'Compactum' Wall Germader (compact)  
TEUCH L 01  Teucrium chamaedrys Wall Germander  
TEUCO L QTX  Teucrium cossoni majoricum Prostrate Germander Bud&Bloom
TEUFR L 01  Teucrium fruticans Bush Germander  
TEUFR L 05  Teucrium fruticans Bush Germander  
THRPM M 05  Thuja plicata 'Green Giant' Western Red Cedar  
THYPE L QTX  Thymus serpyllum 'Elfin' Creeping Thyme (elfin)  
THYPM L 01  Thymus serpyllum 'Mauve' Creeping Thyme (mauve)  
TRCJA M 05  Trachelospermum jasminoides Star Jasmine  
TRCJS M 01  Trachelospermum jasminoides STK Star Jasmine (staked)  
TRCJS M 05  Trachelospermum jasminoides STK Star Jasmine (staked)  
TRCJS M 15  Trachelospermum jasminoides STK Star Jasmine (staked)  
TULVI L 01  Tulbaghia violacea Society Garlic  
TULVS L 01  Tulbaghia violacea 'Silver Lace' Society Garlic (vgtd)  
TULVS L QTX  Tulbaghia violacea 'Silver Lace' Society Garlic (vgtd)  
            V: ...                                                                       [home]
VEBHB 01  Verbena x 'Hurricane Blue' Verbena (blue) Bud&Bloom
VEBHP M 01  Verbena 'Homestead Purple' Verbena (violet purple) Buds
VEBLM L 01  Verbena lilacina 'De La Mina' Cedros Island Verbena Bud&Bloom
VEBPP L 01  Verbena peruviana 'Pink' Peruvian Verbena (pink)  
VEBPR L 01  Verbena peruviana 'Red' Peruvian Verbena (red) FullBloom
VEBPW 01  Verbena peruviana 'White' Peruvian Verbena (white) Bud&Bloom
VEBTA M QTX  Verbena Tapien 'Pink' Verbena (Pink) Bud&Bloom
VEBTE M 01  Verbena Tapien 'Purple' Verbena (purple) Buds
VEBTE M QTX  Verbena Tapien 'Purple' Verbena (purple) Bud&Bloom
VEROE M 01  Veronica longifolia 'Eveline' Speedwell  
VEROE M QTX  Veronica longifolia 'Eveline' Speedwell  
VEROR M 01  Veronica spicata 'Red Fox' Speedwell  
VEROR M QTX  Veronica spicata 'Red Fox' Speedwell  
VEROW M 01  Veronica 'Waterperry' Speedwell  
VEROW M QTX  Veronica 'Waterperry' Speedwell  
VIOLA M QTX  Viola labradorica Labrador Violet  
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WESGB L 01  Westringia rosm. 'Grey Box' Coast Rosemary (white)  
WESGB L 05  Westringia rosm. 'Grey Box'  
WIISI M 01  Wisteria sinensis Chinese Wisteria  
            X: ...                                                                       [home]
XYCON L 05  Xylosma congestum Shiny Xylosma  
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ZEPCA L QTX  Zephyranthes candida White Fairy Lily  
ZEPCI L 01  Zephyranthes citrina Yellow Fairy Lily Bud&Bloom
ZEPCI L QTX  Zephyranthes citrina Yellow Fairy Lily